Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Spending the night

So far, the girls have spent the night with us 4 times. Each time, Kyle goes to pick them up, and brings them to our apartment. We have games to play with them, Kyle reads to them, they watch a few movies. I always cook them dinner, except for the one time we went to Chuck-E-Cheese. That was fun.

We have a 2-bedroom apartment, but the second bedroom is our office. So for now, the girls pile up on the couch with pillows and my big quilt, and sleep there. Once Kyle has a job we will look at possibly turning the 2nd bedroom into the girls' room. Have to figure out where the 2 computers are going to go. Hmmm... thinking about it all, this is going to mean a LOT of moving some furniture around. We could probably do it though. I know I'd like to. It would give the girls their own special space, and hopefully make them feel more welcome, more comfortable in our home. I'd like that.

Normally, Kyle picks the girls up and brings them to the apartment. Last time he took them home, his ex informed him that SHE wanted to drop the girls off the next time with us, because she wanted to see "what kind of environment you (Kyle) have my children in". Part of me is offended at this. I do understand it, well kind of. I understand it on the level of a mother who wants to know her kids are safe. However, I don't believe for a second that this is the level his ex is on. She's been known to be manipulative and cruel where Kyle is concerned, to the point of even withholding the girls from him for no reason. She knows who I am, and I think she wants to get a look at me. And I'm afraid that if she decides not to like me (I'm with her ex after all, we women are possessive), she may try to make Kyle's time with the girls difficult. And that's the last thing I want.

Not sure what to do on that one. I guess just wait and see what happens. I know this, I'm not a pushover. I won't let someone walk into my home and disrespect me. If she does, then I will speak to her about it. If she remains civil, then so will I.

Thinking about making strawberry cupcakes with the girls this weekend. That will give me a chance to do something with them that's just me, and we can bond a little. I figure while they bake, Kyle can read them a story or play a game with them. Then once they cool, we can all frost the cupcakes together. Might need to get 2 tubs of frosting, I haev a feeling the girls will be eating it as they go LOL.

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