Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Moving forward

A few months later, Kyle was officially out of the military and moving back home. We had already discussed him moving in with me directly, and I had switched from a 1 bedroom apartment to a 2 bedroom in the same complex. His homecoming was May 20th. All felt right with the world.

Now comes the fun part of him trying to get a job.

So far, now 3 months later, he still hasn't been hired by anyone. We've tried every job search website we can think of, and he's put in countless applications, both online and in person. So far, only 2 call backs that haven't amounted to anything. He is receiving a bit of help through the Department of Labor, and is eligible to received unemployment checks. That helps. At least, that pays his child support and his car payment. Doesn't help with the bills for our household. But I know he's trying, so I do my best not to bitch and complain. Too much. Sometimes I can't help it; everything just gets to me and I'm scared and worried that we won't be able to make ends meet. We've already had to use the credit cards 2 or 3 times just for groceries. We abolutely can NOT continue to do that.

We get the girls every other weekend. He picks them up on Saturday afternoon, and they spend the night with us, with him taking them home the next day. We're trying to move up to the whole "spending an entire weekend with daddy" part, but we're taking it slow. The girls were only able to spend 1 weekend a month with him while he was still active duty. I'm hoping by Halloween they'll be with us the entire weekend when we get them.

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