Monday, October 19, 2009

Oops! Been a while

Wow it's been almost 2 months since I posted! Been busy with the apartment, work, the soon-to-be husband, the girls, everything.

We got the bedroom completed for the girls. Moved our desks & computers out of the 'office' and set up a pair of bunk beds. The girls have a dresser, mirror, bookshelf, lamp, nightlight, and even a small couch where Daddy reads to them before bed. The first time they came over after it was ready, they were SOOO excited to see it! Screaming, giggling, laughing, going up and down the ladder. We pulled them off after about 3 minuts of this and sat them down together. Kyle told them there are rules for the beds. #1 - DO NOT JUMP on them, or off them. #2 - only 1 little girl allowed on the ladder at a time. Later in the evening, both of them ended up on the ladder trying to go down, and Kyle pulled them both aside and told them again, only 1 on the ladder. He ended up giving a quick spank to the youngest, because she kept disobeying this rule.

Speaking of the younger, the last time we had the girls, this child would NOT listen to a word Kyle or I said. This time, she was doing basically whatever she pleased. Kyle would tell her not to jump on the furniture, turn around, and she was doing it again, almost to spite him! Tell her to brush her teeth, nope. Toothbrush went in the mouth, and right back out. Tell her not to eat pancakes (that were covered in syrup) with her fingers, that's exactly what she did. Every. Single. Time. That child ended up getting spanked at least 3 times in 1 24-hour span of time. What is going on with her??

The oldest seems to be doing better with her letters and writing. We worked with her some, writing words and she would copy them, then pointing to the letters as she spelled the word. We try to spend at least an hour with her doing that every time we have them. Their mother seems to believe that she doesn't need to be in pre-K, which just baffles me. This kid is 4 and a half, and a month ago couldn't say her ABCs or count to 10, or even say her full name. We've been working with her and it's getting better, a little at a time. It just galls me that the mother is a TEACHER and won't see that her child is behind other kids her age. If she goes into kindergarten without these most basic of skills, she will most certainly be behind the other kids. A teacher, who won't teach her own children? I... I just have no words.

OH and Kyle finally got a job in September, so he's working again. He won't be able to pick up insurance till he's been there 6 months, but at least he'll be able to get it.

Wedding is Halloween in Vegas. We get the girls this coming up weekend (24-25th). I'll be taking them to a local Pumpkin Patch/Fall festival thing on Saturday, while Kyle has to work. Will be the first time I've done anything with the girls by myself. Well, not really by myself. I'm grabbing a girlfriend to go with us in case I need an extra adult, LOL.